While oil heat still rules the landscape in some parts of America, especially the Northeast, here in the Midwest and the Omaha area in particular the vast majority of homes are heated with gas, and natural gas at that. Propane being the other gas heating alternative.

It’s not like you don’t have any other alternatives, it’s just that gas leads the way in energy efficiency and affordable operation, especially when you do a side by side comparison between gas and electric heat.

To help you understand your gas furnace a little better, here are answers to the three questions we are asked most frequently by our customers.

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#1. Is gas heat inherently dangerous?

Today’s gas furnaces are made with family and home safety as top priorities. Modern features like furnace limit switches and gas shut-off valves greatly reduce the risk of gas or carbon monoxide leaks.   Plus, your Burton home heating professionals are thoroughly trained and experienced at installing and maintaining your furnace to ensure they continue to operate safely as long as you own them. Part of our annual maintenance service, for example, is checking the heat exchanger for any signs of cracks or leaks that could emit carbon monoxide into your living spaces.

#2. Does my gas furnace require electricity to operate?

Yes, it does. That’s because, while your gas furnace is essentially a mechanical system, it has several electrical components necessary for its operation. Take the blower fan, just as one example. Without it, your furnace would not have the ability to distribute heat throughout your home. Also, most modern gas furnaces are now equipped with electronic ignition systems designed to replace pilot lights. The former are simply safer and more energy efficient but, once again, cannot operate if and when your power goes out.

#3. Is it a good idea to have regular maintenance performed on my gas furnace?

Annual maintenance is far more than a good idea: it’s essential to the safe and effective operation of your furnace. Annual maintenance also helps save you money. That’s because, during our multi-point tune-ups and inspections, Burton heating technicians look for any signs of wear and tear that could lead to repair or safety issues down the road. To prevent that from happening, we make the appropriate adjustments. Not only does that help prevent repair problems, it leads to a longer furnace lifespan and lower heating-related utility costs – not to mention increased safety for your home and family.

Has it been a year or more since your furnace was last professionally serviced? Then contact Burton today, where you can always expect a prompt response and dependable results.