blogLots of our customers are handy and tackle a bunch of plumbing problems and new installations on their own.

We admire them for that, and the handyman spirit that drives them to want to know how things work, and how to make them work better.

At the same time, there’s a reason why it takes so many years of study, training, and experience to become a Master Plumber. Simply put, plumbing is hard and challenging work, and can even be dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing.

Take your garbage disposal, for example. It’s certainly not the most complicated plumbing system in your home. But it can be one of the more dangerous. So here are just three of the more common garbage disposal problems, along with what you can do on your own to resolve them, and when it might be time to call Burton for professional assistance.

Water is Leaking – Like a good detective, the very first thing you want to do is determine the source of the leak. So start by looking under your sink and, if you see that the leak is coming from the disposal drain pipe, you should be able to fix that rather easily by replacing the rubber gasket. Or, let’s say your disposal is brand new. In that case, the likely source of the leak is the ring near the sink flange, which probably just needs to be tightened. However, if the leak is coming from the disposal, then it probably needs to be replaced due to internal rust and corrosion. .

Jammed Disposal – When you put “no-no’s” like corn husks or meat bones inside your disposal for grinding, chances are your unit is going to jam. Here are two ways you can unjam it on your own. First, and always with the disposal not running, look under the disposal for an Allen wrench screw socket. If you find one, a couple of quick turns should loosen the masher plate enough for you to be able to move it and dislodge whatever’s causing the jam. If there’s no Allen wrench socket hole underneath your disposal, then shut off its power source, grab a broom handle, and have at it. There’s nothing fancy about this approach, but it usually does the trick.

Icky Odors – Wafting and rancid odors emanating from a garbage disposal are usually the sign of food not fully ground up and in some state of decay. So, a word to the wise: routinely clean your garbage disposal to prevent the odors in the first place. A combination of ground up ice cubes and cut up lemon slices work wonders for a more sanitary disposal.

Of course, when all else fails, one call to Burton is all it takes to repair or replace your garbage disposal, as needed. And always with a guaranteed upfront price and your satisfaction guaranteed. Burton: voted Best of Omaha for the past 10 years in a row.