Omaha’s Home Service Blog: Plumbing, HVAC, and Electrical Tips & Insights from the Experts
Consider a Replacement Air Conditioning System for Your Omaha Home
If you think Omaha air conditioning systems are nothing more than mechanical beings that provide a useful service, and nothing more, you might want to think again. For some people – even though they may not realize it – air conditioning systems, over time, take on pet-like status. Consider the following exchange (admittedly made up [...]
Hear a Dripping Water Sound, but Can’t Find the Source in Your Omaha Home?
Dripping water is a sound that could drive you up the proverbial wall, especially if you can’t figure out how or where to make it stop in your Omaha home. And that’s often the case with a hidden water leak. Has that ever happened to you? If so, you no doubt checked the toilet, shower [...]
How to Hire an Omaha Electrician
Have you ever changed accountants? Switched hair dressers? Found and hired a more well-rounded attorney in the greater Omaha and Council Bluffs area? The point is, people change business relationships all the time, and for umpteen different reasons. Change is inevitable, but how you go about it is what matters most. Take hiring a new [...]
Preventing an Electrical Fire in Your Omaha Home
Electrical safety is vitally important to the protection of your Omaha home and family. In fact, electrical malfunctions or failures are responsible for over 50,000 home fires each year. Sadly, these fires lead to an average of 2,000 combined deaths and injuries. And that’s not to mention the millions of dollars of property damage caused [...]
Make Earth Day a Green Day in Omaha and Council Bluffs
Have you ever searched the web for significant dates for any particular month? Well, for April, the are more 77 special days of observance, to be exact, including these all-time favorites: Tweed Day, Sorry Charlie Day, Ex-Spouse Day, and – who could ever forget – National Shrimp Scampi Day. Want a good laugh? Look up [...]
Annual Air Conditioning Maintenance in Omaha & Council Bluffs
What happens when you run yourself ragged for an entire day? Eventually, all the energy that got you through your various activities is shot, so are you, and you go to bed. When you make wake up from you slumber, chances are you’re still not totally refreshed. So you have a good breakfast, cup of [...]
How to Unclog Your Drain in Omaha & Council Bluffs
Very few people immediately pick up the phone to call a plumber when a clogged drain “happens.” Most of us are far more inclined to try fixing it ourselves, especially since most clogged drains can be cleared pretty quickly and with minimum effort. So the question isn’t really “if” you should try it on your [...]
On Demand, Tankless Water Heaters in Omaha
Tankless water heaters are a great new option in Omaha. At one time you had a narrow range of choices when it came to purchasing a new water heater. But they all had one thing in common: the inclusion of a storage tank to heat the water. Now you have a new and very different [...]
Burton Comes Out on Top in Super Bowl XLVII!
No electricity? How a simple tagline helped a a local company outpoint the big-boy advertisers during the Super Bowl? Sometimes with a great commercial, sometimes with great timing, and sometimes with both. Just ask our Marketing Director, Julia Campbell. Under her direction and coordination, we developed a series of 4-second commercials to air during the [...]
How to Stop the Spread of Flu in Omaha
Can a whole-house air purifier help against the flu? While reported flu cases may have plateaued in some parts of the country, the flu is still responsible for swamped emergency rooms and urgent care clinics, understaffed workplaces, and school absences. In Nebraska alone, seven flu-related deaths have been reported this season, and while historically January [...]