Category: Home Comfort Self-Help Tips

Spring Start Up Checklist for Your Omaha Air Conditioner

Air Conditioning Spring Start Up & Cleaning   Many contractors suggest that over half of all air-conditioner failures were the result of the owner’s failing to clean them.   Contrary to popular belief, air conditioners do not consume refrigerant as a car consumes oil, so under ideal conditions it would never need changing or filling. A low refrigerant level indicates a leak which should be repaired before adding more. While most new system connections are brazed (brass welds) to minimize leaks, many older units, over 10 years, were connected with mechanical flared fittings which can vibrate loose over the years, [...]

Top 10 Self-Help Plumbing Tips for Your Elkhorn & Omaha, NE Home

At Burton A/C, Heating, Plumbing & More, we have a long and proud of history of helping our customers solve plumbing problems of every kind. We also have a customer-friendly track record of helping you avoid problems in the first place. Here are several you can employ to good advantage to help keep your plumbing systems and fixtures in top working order. Self-Help Tips To keep your repair costs at a minimum, here are some self-help tips we know you'll find useful:Don’t pour grease down your kitchen drain. Be careful what else you put in your garbage disposal.  Fibrous foods [...]

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