Omaha’s Home Service Blog: Plumbing, HVAC, and Electrical Tips & Insights from the Experts
Outdoor Security Lighting Options
The right outdoor lighting can enhance the appearance of your home after dark, and provide you with an added measure of security. It’s commonly known that the greater the illumination, the less likely your home is to be bothered by burglars. Even if you have a security alarm system, do you activate it before going [...]
World Water Day Conservation Tips
March 22 is World Water Day. First celebrated in 1993, this event is designed to bring awareness to the world’s need for safe drinking water. For most of us in the United States, water is something we take for granted; something that is readily available, whenever or wherever we need it. Outside our borders, things [...]
Attention Omaha Homeowners – Here are Some Plumbing Noises You Don’t Want to Ignore!
A quiet plumbing system is the best kind of all. Not that even brand new plumbing doesn’t make a certain amount of noise, mind you. But for most people, the sound of water hitting the surface their stainless -steel sink or splashing onto them during their morning shower isn’t noise at all. Just a welcome [...]
Why Your Aluminum Wiring Should Be Replaced
If your home was built between 1965 and 1972, there’s a very good chance aluminum wiring was employed for your electrical system. There was a nationwide building boom going on at the time and builders galore employed cheaper materials to cash in on the profits to be made. Yes, aluminium wiring costs less than [...]
“Should I Replace My Furnace?”
Is it time for a new box of your favorite cereal? It is if the last one is nearly or completely empty. Is your car due for an oil change? One quick look at your odometer and your latest oil change sticker will answer that one for you. The point being, often times it’s clear [...]
How Safe is Your Home?
If you believe that what you can’t see can hurt you, you’re more right than you may know. Because right in the relative comfort and safety of your own home, things might not be quite as safe as you would hope. That’s especially true of older homes or home with aging, frayed wiring. Then again, [...]
How to Prevent & Correct Most Clogged Drain Problems
No one’s going to argue with us on this one: the best plumbing repair is prevention. Which means you can avoid all kinds of plumbing repair bills by taking some simple precautions at home and by learning how to resolve simple plumbing issues on your own. Today our focus is on solving and preventing clogged [...]
How to Generate More Heat from Your Fireplace
Using your fireplace to heat part of your home isn’t as simple as starting a fire and letting nature take its course. In fact, there are several things you can do to maximize the heat generated by a woodstove, fireplace, or fireplace insert: Use your home’s air flow If you have a forced air heating [...]
Things That Can Ruin a Holiday Gathering, and How to Prevent Them
You’ve spent weeks preparing for the perfect holiday season gathering – Christmas, New Year’s, you name it. And now, it’s come down to this: your house is spotless, the table is set, and your guests have texted or Tweeted that they’re on their way. Perfect, except for one minor detail: suddenly, you’re staring at a [...]
Everything You Need to Know About Light Bulbs
Whether you just bought a new light fixture or found yourself sitting in the dark because of a burned-out bulb, you might be surprised at the number of different types and styles of bulbs lining your hardware store shelves these days. Should you go with what you know, like incandescent? Or give LED a try? [...]