Category: Home & Lifestyle

Celebrating National Grandparents Day in Omaha & Blair

If you have elderly parents living at home with you, a great way to show your concern is to make the bathroom they primarily use safe from slips and falls, which happens to be the leading cause of injuries to seniors. With a grab bar or two here and handheld shower head there, each bathroom experience will become significantly safer. For more information or to schedule service, contact Burton today or anytime at all. A grandparent and child relationship is truly one-of-a-kind. After all, who but a grandparent can spoil a child to pieces, impart a little wisdom, and make [...]

Burton Comes Out on Top in Super Bowl XLVII!

No electricity?  How a simple tagline helped a a local company outpoint the big-boy advertisers during the Super Bowl? Sometimes with a great commercial, sometimes with great timing, and sometimes with both. Just ask our Marketing Director, Julia Campbell. Under her direction and coordination, we developed a series of 4-second commercials to air during the “big game.” Why just four seconds?  Because the Super Bowl is the most watched sporting event in the U.S., and since advertising costs reflect the size of the viewing audience, the per-spot air time is very expensive, even for local advertisers.  Just to give you [...]

How to Stop the Spread of Flu in Omaha

Can a whole-house air purifier help against the flu? While reported flu cases may have plateaued in some parts of the country, the flu is still responsible for swamped emergency rooms and urgent care clinics, understaffed workplaces, and school absences.  In Nebraska alone, seven flu-related deaths have been reported this season, and while historically January and February are considered peak months, influenza-related illnesses often stretch into May and June.   So what precautions can you take to help ward off the flu and lessen its severity if you do get it? Consider getting a flu shot, because it’s never too [...]

How to Avoid Thanksgiving Clogged Drain Problems in Omaha

Turkey is what you think of on Thanksgiving.  But if you are a plumber - you think of the potential for a clogged drain! Well, plumbing companies like Burton also call that day Black Friday, but not because we’re avid shoppers.  For us, the day after Thanksgiving is our busiest day of the year.  Why?  Because once the remnants of your Thanksgiving feast hit the garbage disposal and kitchen sink drain, all heck breaks loose. A clogged drain is no one's friend. And so, to help you concentrate on leftovers, holiday shopping, spending time with your family and friends during [...]

How to Protect Yourself from CO Poisoning in Greater Omaha

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a byproduct from burning various fuels and can come from a variety of common, everyday home appliances.  It’s a tasteless, odorless, colorless, and poisonous gas when inhaled that poses a very real threat to Omaha area residents. The threat of CO poisoning is especially prevalent here in Omaha and throughout the state of Nebraska.  It was reported on October 14, 2012, that four Bellevue residents were treated for CO poisoning at the Nebraska Medical Center.  One of them was in critical condition. Even more sobering is that Nebraska has the highest death rate from CO poisoning [...]

What to Look for in a Replacement Furnace in Greater Omaha

Do you need a replacement furnace?  An Omaha furnace over 12 years old can often become a major headache, and it may be a better idea to replace one than to continually repair it.  That’s even more true if your system is in the 15-20 year range. To replace or to hang on?  It can be a difficult choice and for multiple reasons.  For example, what if your current furnace has a couple of good, repair-free years left in it; although, how would you know unless you waited to find out?  On the flip side, how much would you save [...]

When’s the Right Time to Call an Omaha or Council Bluffs Electrician? Let’s Find Out!

Electrical problems are not as common as, let’s say, plumbing problems in the average household.  And while that’s good news, it also makes it more difficult to know when it’s time to call an Omaha electrician for fast and dependable service. Aside from blatantly obvious electrical malfunctions that lead to flying sparks or circuit breakers that trip repeatedly, you should always keep a sharp eye out for more subtle telltale electrical-danger signs.  If you have the skill and the right tools, perhaps one or more of these are projects you can tackle yourself.  But if you’re even the least bit [...]

Avoid Space Heater Accidents in Your Omaha Home

Space heaters can be portable or fixed units, and are used for heating individual rooms to supplement or replace the heat generated by more traditional means, such as a furnace or boiler. Space heaters can be powered by wood, propane, electricity, or several other fuels, and there are a number of general safety rules that need to be kept in mind if they are to be used in a responsible and effective manner. Toddlers and Seniors Are At Risk The age groups at the greatest risk of injury caused by space heater accidents are toddlers under age five and seniors [...]

Is a Ductless Heat Pump Right For Your Omaha Home?

Learn how a ductless heat pump can provide more comfortable conditions and greater energy savings for your Omaha and Council Bluffs home. A ductless heat pump is a dual heating and cooling system that functions without the use of ducts. Ductless systems have outside condensing units, just like central air conditioning.  But instead of pumping air into an air handler and then through forced air ducts, ductless units pump refrigerant directly to one or more wall-mounted air handlers. Ductless mini-split systems combine the flexibility of room air conditioners with the whole house cooling of central systems. Although some systems provide [...]

A Whole-House Plumbing Inspection Provides Added Comfort and Safety for Your Omaha and Elkhorn, NE Home

Nobody likes to wake up in the morning, step out of bed, and feel wet, squishy flooring under their feet. Plumbing is one of those luxuries that we tend to take for granted until the day that you can’t flush your toilet or take a hot shower. Chances are that you never thought about having a plumber out until it gets to that emergency status of a flood, backed up drain, or no hot water. Much like you should see the doctor every year; your plumbing system needs the same attention and care. The best way to prevent a plumbing [...]

Which is Best for Your Omaha Home: A Gas or Electric Storage Tank Water? Here’s a One to One Comparison to Help You Decide.

Like most appliances, water heaters have improved greatly in recent years. Today's models are much more energy efficient. That's why you probably couldn't replace your existing water heater with the same exact model…and you probably wouldn't want to. Instead, you may be able to purchase a more efficient water heater that will save you money on energy each month. That's why you shouldn't just consider the initial purchase price - think about how much it costs to operate. You could save hundreds of dollars in the long run. Look at it this way:some cars get 15 miles to a gallon, [...]

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