Is it time for a new box of your favorite cereal?  It is if the last one is nearly or completely empty.  Is your car due for an oil change?  One quick look at your odometer and your latest oil change sticker will answer that one for you. The point being, often times it’s clear as day as to what can or should happen next.

In other situations, the answer to “what comes next?” isn’t nearly as clear. Take, for example, the decision regarding whether you should replace your furnace now or wait until some future date.  That can be a tough one, alright.  But here are a few helpful hints that we hope will help you decide on the best possible alternative.

The cost to repair.  Let’s say you start the heating season with your old furnace, the one that you’ve never had to repair in the 12 years you’ve owned it.  But now a problem comes along and the estimated repair cost is $2,000.  Is it worth it?  No two situations are alike, but you should at least discuss that with your home comfort provider.

Maybe your furnace ISN’T the problem.  If your heating system doesn’t seem to be doing its job, don’t automatically blame the furnace.  Leaking or poorly constructed ductwork can account for up to 30% in heat loss. A lack of sufficient insulation can make even a new furnace run inefficiently. Have your ducts and insulation evaluated before deciding what to do next, and make sure your thermostat is working properly. 

Have you kept track of your energy costs?  Even a well-maintained furnace is not going to operate as efficiently in year 10 as it did in year one.  That’s to be expected.  But what happens when your heating related utility costs are double what they once were. That’s a very good reason to consider replacing it, especially since you’ll recoup your investment in the money you save to heat your home.

Even a new furnace can use a little help.  A programmable thermostat will help your furnace conserve energy by automatically keeping your house or the zone it controls at a lower temperature when no one is home. A variable-speed blower reduces wear and tear on your furnace by reducing the number of times the unit turns on and off. It also helps maintain a more constant temperature from one room to the next.  

Looking for a little certainty?  Then here it is:  if your furnace hasn’t been professionally serviced in a year or longer, it’s time to request preventative maintenance service now from Burton.  One of our highly skilled home heating professionals will thoroughly clean and inspect your system and, in the process, will be happy to answer your questions regarding its overall condition.  Contact us today for the advice, service, and professional care you and your home deserve.