Omaha’s Home Service Blog: Plumbing, HVAC, and Electrical Tips & Insights from the Experts
Burton’s Tips for Purchasing a New Air Conditioning Unit
A reliable air conditioner is crucial during the blistering summer heat. Unfortunately, the systems don’t last forever. After 10-15 years, an AC system typically runs its course and needs to be replaced. Choosing the right air conditioner can make all the difference in keeping your home cool and comfortable. The right AC unit for your [...]
Need Help with Sump Pump Maintenance?
Sump pumps, located at the lowermost part of your home, help prevent damage to your home by keeping your foundation dry and discourages flooding. To ensure your sump pump is in good working condition during an emergency, be sure to do a maintenance check 2-3 times a year. Maintenance Checklist: Unplug the sump pump to [...]
How to Be Kind to Your Plumbing While Everyone’s Home
Now that many of us are spending more time in the comfort of our homes, we’re (ahem) using the plumbing much more frequently. There are items that are obviously not flushable, but it can get a little confusing. We’re here to help you out! Don’t flush wipes. This includes disinfectant wipes, baby wipes and even [...]
Is a Tankless Water Heater Right for You?
What is a Tankless Water Heater? Tankless water heaters provide you and your family with a constant supply of hot water and only provides hot water when you need it. For instance, when a hot water faucet is turned on, cold water travels through a pipe and into the tankless unit. It is then heated [...]
Burton Identified as an Essential Business During COVID-19
Omaha, NE – The President and U.S. Department of Homeland Security has identified plumbers and other service providers as “essential critical infrastructure workers” during the COVID-19 threat. In response to the announcement, Mark Evans, owner and president of Burton A/C, Heating, Plumbing and More has issued a personal statement promising to continue protecting the Omaha [...]
How Often To Replace Air Filter
Get into the habit of frequently replacing your air filter. It’s a great way to ensure your HVAC stays in good condition, reduce energy bills and avoid future maintenance issues. A good rule of thumb is to replace your filter during a new season change, but it may also be dependent on additional things like [...]
An Important Message to Our Customers
Dear Burton Customers, These past few weeks have been uncertain and difficult, but we hope you and your loved ones are healthy and safe. With the spread of the COVID-19 virus, we wanted you to know that there is no higher priority to us than the health and safety of our community and team. Because [...]
Is It Time to Replace Your Furnace?
Use our checklist to help with your decision! How old is your furnace? A properly maintained furnace can last anywhere from 15 to 30 years. You can check the age of your furnace by locating its identification label. Does your furnace have a lot of maintenance issues? If your furnace frequently breaks down and [...]
Why You Need a Yearly Kitchen Drain Opening
You know how it begins. The kitchen sink drains slower and slower every day. Was it always like this? You can’t remember. So you ignore it (which never solves the problem, but we are all human). Before you know it, the drains are clogged and nothing will drain. A drain operating at its optimal point [...]
The Dangers of Cracked Heat Exchanges
It is especially important to have your furnace checked during the winter season when you are heating your home more frequently. Most appliances that create combustion gas, like furnaces, can potentially create health hazards to your home if it is not maintained regularly. For instance, cracked heat exchangers can produce carbon monoxide and pose a [...]