
Omaha’s Home Service Blog: Plumbing, HVAC, and Electrical Tips & Insights from the Experts

212, 2016

Heating System Check, Now Just $47.

December 2nd, 2016|

What can $47 buy you?  How about a winter’s worth of peace of mind, at least where it concerns your home heating system. Well, that’s exactly what Burton is offering with this limited time special:  a very thorough inspection of your home heating system for just $47 with the coupon you’ll find on the Special [...]

2211, 2016

Which House Plants Can Clean Your Indoor Air?

November 22nd, 2016|

It probably sounds a little odd, but at least in one sense, you’re better off living in an old, drafty house vs. one that’s sealed up tight as a button. Tightly sealed homes, with little fresh air circulation, give rise to “Sick House Syndrome.” That’s when the inhabitants are susceptible to all sorts of indoor [...]

1611, 2016

How to Prevent Ice Dams from Damaging Your Home

November 16th, 2016|

Did you know it’s possible (actually, quite easy) to cruise your neighborhood and predict who’s likely to have ice dam problems, and who isn’t? Here are three telltale signs:  clogged up gutters, worn down and missing roof shingles and, on especially colder days, the sight of heat escaping through the attic. Of course, if you [...]

111, 2016

Common Plumbing Problems You Shouldn’t Ignore

November 1st, 2016|

When it comes to home maintenance, there are certain things that can wait (like removing that tired looking wallpaper in the bedroom), and others that should be tackled without delay (like cleaning rain gutters before the snow flies). Wat may seem like a minor issue now, can quickly turn into a homeowner’s nightmare. So, to [...]

1910, 2016

“Is it Time to Replace My Furnace?”

October 19th, 2016|

All summer long you ignored it.  After all, what was the point?  You were just happy to be spending more time outdoors where the sun supplied all the heat you needed. We’re talking about your furnace, of course.  That vital piece of mechanical equipment you rely on to the extreme to keep you and your [...]

1010, 2016

How to Prevent Home Heat Loss

October 10th, 2016|

Let’s say you just purchased a new heating system.  And while it seems to be working about as well as you expected, you’re not seeing the kind of heating cost reductions you expected. Well, assuming it was properly sized and installed, chances are you’re experiencing the kind of day-in, day-out heat loss that relentlessly drives [...]

410, 2016

4 Good Reasons to Call an Omaha Electrician

October 4th, 2016|

Sometimes statistics don’t tell us much at all while other times they can be highly revealing. Here’s a case in point for “highly revealing.”  On average, American home owners hire a licensed electrician for service about once every six years.  Sound about right to you?  Actually, that’s not nearly often enough to maintain full electrical [...]

2709, 2016

5 Simple Ways to Humidify Your Home

September 27th, 2016|

Funny thing about home heating systems.  You see, no matter how much comfort they bring your way, they’re equally capable of delivering heaping doses of misery, too.  How can that be?  Well, unless you have some way to add humidity to your home during the heating season, you’re susceptible to all kinds of maladies, including [...]

2009, 2016

How to Prepare for a Home or Weather Emergency

September 20th, 2016|

How prepared are you for a personal, home, or weather-related emergency? Would you have a warm place to stay should your neighborhood experience a lengthy power outage? Do your children know how to exit your home safely in case of fire? Are you familiar with CPR basics to help someone who is choking? The truth [...]

209, 2016

Preventative Maintenance Gives Your Heating System a Running Start

September 2nd, 2016|

Your home heating system is very much like a runner.  But one that runs marathons, not sprints. If a marathon runner isn’t fully prepared, he or she could easily collapse long before the finish line.  The exact same thing holds true for your heating system. In fact, heating system manufacturers recommend annual tune-ups and inspections [...]

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