Here’s how to tell if it is time to replace your air conditioner.  Would your family and home would be better served with a new and higher efficiency central air conditioning system?

  • If your air conditioner is more than 10 years old, it is likely working ineffectively and inefficiently, and should be replaced with a more energy-efficient model. Older air conditioners typically mean higher energy bills.
  • If your air conditioner needs frequent repairs it may not be properly suited for your home. You need a heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) specialist to assess your current system
  • If your cooling bills continue to rise, that’s another sign of inefficient operation.  The lower energy costs that would come from a new system would help to defray some its cost.
  • If some of the rooms in your home are either too hot or too cold, it could be your air conditioning equipment malfunctioning or functioning inefficiently, or it could be a result of problems with your ducts or inadequate insulation.  It’s at least worth having an air conditioning professional come in and evaluate the problem.
  • If you have problems with humidity, your air conditioning equipment may be defective or otherwise performing inadequately or you may have leaky ductwork.
  • If your air conditioning system is noisy or noisier than usual, there may be a problem with its indoor coil, or your duct system may be too small.

As you can see, not every warning sign necessarily means it’s time to purchase a new system.  But each of them IS worth a call to Burton.

If your system hasn’t had a tune-up and inspection within the past year, that’s the first step in determining what’s wrong.  In fact, sometimes a tune-up is all it takes to return your system to normal operating performance.  Or, if there really is a repair problem, better to find out now before things get worse.

Looking for a new or replacement system?  That’s another specialty of the “house” at Burton Heating, A/C, Plumbing & Electrical…starting with a thorough in-home analysis and quote so we can recommend the best system at the best price we have to offer.

For more information on how to improve the performance of your current central air conditioner system or a free quote on a new or replacement system, contact Burton today.  We’re the local experts you can count on…24/7.

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