It’s a hot, sunny, Omaha afternoon. Your A/C has been running all day, but your home is feeling more and more like your own personal dry sauna…. You know something isn’t working right. But before you go blaming your air conditioner, take a closer look at your thermostat.

If your home can’t keep its cool, watch for these three signs that your thermostat and HVAC system aren’t talking:

     1. Your thermostat won’t turn on

If your thermostat’s display has gone dark, it’s not telling your HVAC system when to turn on and off. Typically, a fresh set of batteries will fix the issue and your home will cool right down. But if the thermostat still won’t turn on, you may have loose wires or a major thermostat malfunction. Either way, it’s time to call your air conditioning repair company.

     2. It just can’t read the room

Over time, your thermostat may lose its ability to accurately sense your home’s temperature. When it does, you can bet it’s sending false information to your A/C— causing your unit to run constantly or not turn on at all. To avoid sky-high energy costs or a sweltering living room, have a new thermostat installed as soon as possible.

     3. Your A/C is constantly cycling on and off

This is a sign there’s a fault in the connection between your thermostat and A/C unit. Your thermostat may be giving inaccurate prompts, a frayed wire could be receiving limited signals, or the thermostat itself may be going out. Any time your unit is quickly turning on and off, you’re putting unnecessary wear on the system and impacting your energy bills. If caught quickly, your A/C repair company can install a new thermostat and reattach the wires before the fault damages your unit.

Is an indoor summer making you sweat? Call Burton’s expert A/C repair team.

Our technicians are known (and loved!) for their fast, reliable repairs, friendly service, and upfront pricing guarantee. If you’re in the Omaha or Council Bluffs area and need HVAC service, maintenance, or repairs, Just Call Burton!