Have you ever searched the web for significant dates for any particular month?  Well, for April, the are more 77 special days of observance, to be exact, including these all-time favorites:  Tweed Day,  Sorry Charlie Day, Ex-Spouse Day, and – who could ever forget – National Shrimp Scampi Day.  Want a good laugh?  Look up the rest.Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Earth Day is celebrated each year at home and abroad as a reminder of the sacred trust that’s been placed in our collective hands:  the preservation, protection, and nurturing of planet earth.

Whether it’s today or any time soon, here are just a few ways you, your family and friends can make the most of this occasion:

  • Visit a sustainable farm! There are numerous sustainable and organic farms throughout the area, including Green Leaf Farms just outside of Omaha.  It’s a 10-acre family-owned farm that offers certified organic specialty vegetables, herbs, and flowers; and, they’re dedicated to educating the local community.  Go online to find and visit more local farms.
  • Plant a tree or shrubs on your property. Trees help remove CO2 from the atmosphere and return it back into oxygen.
  • Help clean up a local park.  Now that spring has fully arrived, there are plenty of parks and local recreations areas that could use a good clean up.  In the process, treat trash as trash, and recycle what you can.
  • Involve your office.  Does your office recycle paper, printer toner, use green cleaning products, and employ other eco-friendly practices?  If not, have a discussion with your boss about the 3 R’s:  reduce, re-use, and recycle. 
  • Find ways to conserve water at home: fix that leaky faucet, turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth, only user your washing machine when you have a full load…same goes for your dish washer.
  • Create an Earth Day craft.  How about an animal jar?  Use one or more recycled glass jars to hold your kids collectibles, and decorate the lid into the face of your favorite animal and with products from your local crafts store.

Animal Jar

At Burton, Earth Day is every day.  In fact, we are a Certified Green Plumber and are constantly encouraging more responsible use of water and energy through such products as:

  • Low-flush and dual-flush toilets
  • Low-flow shower and sink faucets
  • Tankless water heaters
  • Water filtration systems that cut back on bottled water use and all the plastic bottles that never get recycled

New technologies are emerging all the time (with many more on the drawing board) that allow us to help you practice even more green living habits so that, in partnership, we can eventually turn Earth Day into Earth Year.

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