Omaha’s Home Service Blog: Plumbing, HVAC, and Electrical Tips & Insights from the Experts
The Importance of Accurate AC System Sizing
Think about the last time you replaced a central air conditioning system. If you haven’t already, this blog is still for you. As a system ages, it gradually loses its cooling capability, and you forget how well it performed when it was new. All you know is that it’s not getting the job done now, [...]
A Guide to Landscape Lighting
One way to achieve greater home security is with landscape lighting. It’s available in many forms, including front yard lamp posts, miniature can lights embedded in shrubbery and flower beds, or even solar or LED pathway lights. The point of landscape lighting is to help illuminate your yard and home so you can monitor the [...]
Is My Sewer Clogged?
A clog in your underground sewer line is a very serious problem, especially if not detected in a timely fashion. Once clogged, the water has no place to go. That means it will flow backwards into your household plumbing. But since you can’t see what’s going on underground, how would you even know the above-ground [...]
Uses for a Hot-and-Cold Water Outdoor Faucet
Most people just accept the “reality” that if you’re working outside and need hot water, you go inside and get it. Well, sorry to contradict popular opinion, but now you can quickly and easily start enjoying the convenience of hot and cold running water…even outdoors! How? We can either replace a cold-water-only faucet or install [...]
6 Advantages of Central Air Conditioning
You buy and maintain a central AC system to keep cool, right? What else is there? Well, the answer is “plenty.” Let’s Have a Look at 6 Benefits of Central Air Conditioning: Better than room air conditioners. Room or portable air conditioners can keep you cool, as well. But they don’t circulate the air throughout [...]
Electrical Safety Tips for Summer
The warm weather months are a time to let loose and have fun. After all, who can resist a hot sunny day lounging by the pool, listening to music on the patio, or maybe even trimming your hedges with an electric trimmer. (Hey, some people really do like yard work!) Whatever it is that floats [...]
World Plumbing Day Tips
Which of today’s indoor conveniences would you find most difficult to live without: heating & cooling, plumbing, or electricity. Who even wants to make a choice like that?! Well, assuming you don’t have to and is equal in importance to the others, let’s give a tip of the hat to indoor plumbing…without which, life as [...]
The Benefits of a Ductless Air System
Let’s say yours is an older home with no air ducts. Let’s also assume you find that concerning, especially if you’d like to add central AC and switch to forced air heating. To add insult to injury, you’ve been told that despite your wishes, nothing can be done to correct the problem. Well, that’s simply [...]
How to Add Curb Appeal
Remember when you first set out to enter the workforce and someone you relied on reminded you of the following: You never get a second chance to make a first impression? Well, that same advice applies to much more than how you present yourself at a job interview. Take, for example, how your home is [...]
How to Remove Static Electricity
Come on, admit it. When you were a kid, you sometimes tried to nail yourself, a sibling, or one of your parents by causing a static electric shock, right? But sooner or later that habit got broken either from one too many “time outs” or just because it started to really hurt. Today, like always, [...]