The secret to a healthy lifestyle is really no secret at all: get enough sleep, exercise, and eat right. Yet when you’re overwhelmed with life, work, and other responsibilities, new habits are easy to “back burner”.

So take a breather, sit down, discover what you’re missing, and make a commitment to re-organize your time so you can take better care of yourself.

Here are some great first steps.

Space for workout gear. Keep your workout clothes together in a dedicated drawer or area of your closet. If you work out in a gym, pack your bag the night before with toiletries, towels, and anything else you might need. For at-home work outs, store your exercise equipment in a designated area that makes it impossible for you to ignore.


Eliminate fridge and pantry clutter. If your goal is to cook healthier meals, a clean, organized fridge and pantry can help a lot. Toss expired or questionable food items and group the rest by category to make them easier to find. Keep a list of staples you might be running low on and add them to your weekly shopping list.

Reevaluate your buying habits. Do you throw out food because no one finished it?  Perhaps bulk shopping, or even once-a-week shopping, isn’t for you. Don’t be tempted to “buy one, get one half off” just because it’s a good deal, if you can barely finish the one. The result will be less wasted food and money.

Get rid of the temptation. Let go of food and beverages that don’t support your goals and replace them with healthier alternatives. It’s hard to stay on track, especially when you’re having a bad day, if temptation is staring you in the face.

Make an appointment with yourself.
If you’re having trouble putting yourself first, reserve some “me time” on your calendar and commit to keeping that appointment. Decide ahead of time how you will spend it – go to the gym, take a 30-minute walk, meditate, whatever it is that refuels and rejuvenates you. And try not to cancel.

Create a restful bedroom. It’s hard to unwind in a cluttered bedroom. Create a space that encourages rest by removing things you don’t need on your nightstand and dresser. Use cubbies, baskets, or drawer organizers to store items you use daily. Add an item that relaxes and soothes you like a great read, a photo of a loved one, or a small keepsake from your favorite trip.

A great way to spend some quality time with yourself is to relax in a warm tub with soft music and scented candles to keep you company. If your water heater isn’t up to the increased demand, Burton can fix that.  Want a more relaxing-conducive tub, like a walk-in with built-in bench seat? We can provide and install that, too.

Contact us today for other plumbing ideas sure to add comfort and convenience to your life.