Omaha’s Home Service Blog: Plumbing, HVAC, and Electrical Tips & Insights from the Experts
How to Prevent Basement Flooding
There can’t possibly be a season more eagerly anticipated than spring…especially after a cold and snowy Omaha winter. Yes indeed, what’s NOT to like about spring? Tulips popping up, birds brushing up their vocal chords, grass turning from brown to green, and being able to shed a layer or two of clothing. Spring is practically [...]
Tips for Home Security Lighting
If you’re looking to beef up home security, one of the most practical, relatively inexpensive, and most stylish methods is lighting. The right outdoor lighting not only will provide a flash of ambiance but can help prevent accidents and deter crime. To help you get the most from security lighting, here are 5 important things [...]
The Best Time to Buy an AC System
There are good, better, and best times to buy just about anything. There also are lousy times. Take a new air conditioning system, for example. It wouldn’t make a whole lot of sense to purchase one in January. Not that you couldn’t find one. You could find plenty, but it couldn’t be installed until the [...]
How to Help Your Kids Sleep Better
There’s nothing like a good night’s sleep…waking up feeling rested, rejuvenated, and ready to tackle the day. And yet did you know that most children don’t get the proper amount of quality sleep they need to perform at their best? Even small amounts of missed sleep can produce what some experts call a “sleep debt”, [...]
How to Get More from Your Heating System
When you're warm enough or cool enough inside your home, you don't even give your HVAC systems a second thought. You know, "don't fix what isn't broken." Well, "fixing" isn't the only thing heating and cooling system need from time to time. In fact, you can prevent a whole lot of fixing with annual system [...]
How to Improve Home Security
While U.S. crime statistics are trending downward, there remains an ever-present risk of home burglary, even in neighborhoods with few if any reported incidents. Here are several eye-opening statistics to help underscore the problem: Home break-ins occur once every 13 seconds About 30 percent of all burglaries originate through an open or unlocked window or [...]
Tub to Shower Conversion
More and more homeowners now prefer shower stalls to tubs with a shower. That’s especially true for families with more than one bathroom…they realize it’s much easier to sell a house with at least one tub. Not sure if this is the right move for you? Consider the following advantages of a tub-to-shower conversion: Additional [...]
How to Reduce AC System Stress
You think you get stressed out at times? Just ask your AC system how it feels after running non-stop during an extended hot streak. Or, for that matter, being on call 24/7 from May through October. It’s the kind of stress none of us could stand up to. Well, neither can your AC system – [...]
Burton Sponsors Exhibit at the Omaha Children’s Museum
Behind every great team, you’ll find a strong rally cry, a motivating catch phrase, or a single mission statement. It’s one simple line that unites a team together behind one goal – one purpose. When it’s used, the whole team becomes focused on the mission and works together to make magic happen, to achieve success. [...]
Summer Pet Safety Tips
You think you have a hard time coping with the summer heat and humidity? Just ask your pets how they feel about it. And, if they could talk, you would get an earful. The fact is, summer can be a very difficult time for your pets; a time that requires extra caution and prevention on [...]