Omaha’s Home Service Blog: Plumbing, HVAC, and Electrical Tips & Insights from the Experts
Home Theater Wiring Service
When the term “home theater” first came into vogue, it pretty much meant just that: a small-scale version of a commercial cinema with its own separate room for the rich and well-to-do. Well, a lot of home theaters have been built since then. Some are still awe inspiring in concept and construction. But most others [...]
Fall Plumbing Tips for Omaha Home Owners
Nebraska winters take it out on everyone. Which means no matter how well your plumbing might be running now, things can take a turn for the worse once cold weather revisits us. But now, you can prevent damage to your home and plumbing by following these plumbing self-help tips: Clear out your gutters and downspouts [...]
Autumn is Furnace Maintenance Season
Do you have a list of autumn “must do’s” whether on paper, computer, or inside your head? If so, it’s time to give a fresh look to see if furnace maintenance is a prominent entry. If not, it’s time to make your list one item longer. In late summer or early autumn, you don’t need [...]
Fall Electrical Tips to Help Prepare for Winter
As cold weather approaches and we spend more time indoors, it’s always a good idea to ensure that a home's electrical system is working efficiently and safely. Burton is an Omaha electrician that offers a complete range of services, and we’d be happy to assist you with making electrical improvements to your home. Here are [...]
Common Furnace Odors and What Causes Them
Your home has a number of ways of letting you know that all is not well. For example, that offensive odor coming from your kitchen could mean it’s time to clean and deodorize your garbage disposal. Or maybe it just means it’s time to throw out those left-overs…from last month. While some issues are more [...]
How to Minimize Home Plumbing Damage
Remember Murphy’s Law? It’s probably around forty years old by now, but as true today as the day it was coined: when something can go wrong, it probably will. And often at the worst possible time. Unfortunately, your home plumbing fixtures and system are broadly embraced by Murphy’s Law. And yet, just because something appears [...]
Why You Need an Annual Electrical Safety Inspection
When you think about repair problems that are most likely to crop up at any time, what first comes to mind? A sudden loss of hot water? That’s way up there on most peoples’ lists. And so is any sort of disruption caused by a problem with home heating or cooling systems. And yet when [...]
When Should I Replace My Sump Pump?
Funny as it may sound, your sump pump performs the exact opposite function of most other home plumbing fixtures and systems. While just about everything else brings water into your home, a sump pump is responsible for pushing excess basement water out. That means it gets used less often than probably any other plumbing fixture [...]
Why Late-Season AC Replacement is a Smart Move
The dog days of summer are here. The fortunate among us have a well-functioning air conditioning system that were built and maintained to take summer’s best on the chin, and yet keep churning out nice cool air. Then there’s another group of home owners. Those whose AC systems were barely up to the cooling demands [...]
How to Make Every Day Green Laundry Day
Do you ever look at your utility bills, shake your head, and wonder what you’re doing wrong? Or, perhaps, what else could you do to help save a few dollars here and there? One great way to cut back on energy and water is to change your laundry-day habits. Not necessarily once and for all, [...]