Omaha’s Home Service Blog: Plumbing, HVAC, and Electrical Tips & Insights from the Experts
USB Wall Outlets…No Plugged-in House Should be Without Them!
Does the photo in this blog look familiar? As in, do you have masses of unsightly wires and extension cords all dedicated to charging cell phones and other electronic devices, and sometimes all at once? Then you are definitely a candidate for one of the great modern-day electrical conveniences: one or more USB wall outlets. [...]
Improved Air Circulation Can Help Reduce Your AC Costs
The older your AC system, the more likely you are to look for ways to reduce your monthly utility bills. That’s because older systems just can’t match their original out-of-the-box energy efficiency. So, unless you make some adjustments around your house, you’re simply going to pay more to cool your home. And while there are [...]
How to Make Your Bathroom Feel Bigger
Do you have a cramped, small, hard-to-move-around-in bathroom? If so, chances are you’ve learned to live with feeling overly crowded, even when it’s a crowd of one – especially once it hits home that enlarging your bathroom probably means losing your linen closet or shrinking an adjacent room. What’s the practical and affordable answer? Of [...]
Home Electrical Safety Tips
Kids have a unique ability to get into mischief, even when you’re convinced you’ve successfully made their surroundings mischief-proof. As if that was even a possible thing! Well, now that another school year has ended and your children will be spending much more time at home for the next few months, the mischief meter could [...]
5 Natural Cures for Insomnia
If you dread bedtime because you’re reasonably sure a good night’s sleep in not in store for you, it’s time to take matters into your own hands. If it makes you feel any better, about 33% of the US population has at least mild insomnia, and many of them struggle to find the magic wand [...]
The Benefits of a Gas Clothes Dryer
If your clothes dryer were to call it quits today and you were later told it either can’t be repaired or the cost is more than you’re willing to pay, you’re most likely to rush out and buy a new one. Another brand, spanking new electric clothes dryer. But don’t be so hasty, especially if [...]
How to Protect Your Children from Electrical Shock
While an electrical shock can happen to anyone, children are especially at risk, often simply because they don’t know any better. An electrical shock occurs whenever someone touches an electrically charged object while touching another surface that can conduct the electricity to the ground. Proper grounding, electrical safety devices and avoiding hazardous situations can help [...]
Why You Need Hard-Wired Smoke Detectors
Smoke detectors are one of the most important safety features a home can have. The challenge is to make sure they operate without fail. Other than routine battery checks and replacement, the National Fire Protection Association recommends that you replace all battery-operated smoke detectors after no more than 10 years. Here’s why: On average, 3% [...]
Why Spring is the Best Time for an AC Tune-up
Once presented with the facts, nobody seriously questions the wisdom of annual AC preventative maintenance. And because of that, we’re not going to argue the point yet again. Instead, we want to address why spring is absolutely the best time to have professional maintenance performed. Not that summer’s a bad time for AC maintenance, mind [...]
How to Clean Your Indoor Air During Spring Cleaning
Unless your hire NASA to spring clean your house the way they do the inside of a space ship, you can pretty much count on spreading dust and dirt around, thus negating at least some of your hard work. And that’s true even if you have a high-end vacuum cleaner. You see, even while your [...]