Omaha’s Home Service Blog: Plumbing, HVAC, and Electrical Tips & Insights from the Experts
How to Warm Up a Cold Room
Do you have a room in your home that’s always cold? Perhaps it’s one you rarely use so you’re not overly concerned about it. Or maybe it’s your bedroom or home office and, to compensate, you pile on the layers, plug in the space heater, and count down the days until spring. Trust us, there [...]
Benefits of a Bathroom Exhaust Fan
Does your bathroom need an exhaust fan? Think of your home as a monarch or, less grandiosely, a boss. What’s the very definition of boss? Having employees – people with assigned tasks that are essential to an efficient organization. The business lesson stops there, but the home lesson starts here. If your home is the [...]
Myths That Could be Costing You Money
We’ve all heard them. We’ve all shared them. And, chances are, you might even believe one or two. We’re talking about myths: those harmless little falsehoods that get told and retold until fact and fiction become hard to separate. Hang on, did we say “harmless”? You know what? We’ll leave the “harmless” verdict up to [...]
How to Deodorize Your Fridge
The occasional household odor, no matter how unpleasant, is common. Maybe you let those onions sauté a bit too long, or perhaps you’re still hanging onto leftovers from 3 weeks ago. Odors like that are fairly easy to remedy. Some odors, however seem to come from nowhere and linger for days – or weeks – [...]
Do I Have a Sewer Line Problem?
Do you think you have a sewer line problem? Household plumbing and related problems are bad enough when the cause is staring you in the face. At least then you have some idea of what comes next…trying to fix it yourself, shutting off the water supply, calling a plumber, etc. But what happens when you [...]
How to Protect Against 6 Home Hazards
Older home or more contemporary model, there’s always work to be done to keep it in the best possible shape. You’re tired of the kitchen paint color, your fridge ice maker doesn’t work, a strange noise is coming from your water heater…the possibilities are seemingly endless. But while the issues above are more annoyances than [...]
How to Develop Better Habits
The secret to a healthy lifestyle is really no secret at all: get enough sleep, exercise, and eat right. Yet when you’re overwhelmed with life, work, and other responsibilities, new habits are easy to “back burner”. So take a breather, sit down, discover what you’re missing, and make a commitment to re-organize your time so [...]
Home Cost Cutting Tips
Home ownership is not inexpensive; from basic utilities to routine maintenance, emergency repairs and more, sometimes you just shake your head in wonder. But that doesn’t mean you have to just sit back and take it. Not when there are several ways to cut your monthly maintenance costs. Here are some good places to start. [...]
How to Make Appliances Last Longer
Large or small, top-of-the-line or budget-friendly, all household appliances undergo wear and tear. The longer they run, the more susceptible they become to repair and replacement. At the same time, there are certain bad habits that tend to speed up the process…habits you’ll want to avoid. Here are a few good examples: Don’t flush [...]
Household Items that Expire
While it may seem like some expiration dates are arbitrary at best, it’s widely acknowledged that the food industry does a pretty good job determining the shelf life of perishable items. But trying to figure out how long other household items are good for can sometimes be a head-scratching experience. You might be surprised to [...]