Category: Air Conditioning

6 Advantages of Central Air Conditioning

You buy and maintain a central AC system to keep cool, right? What else is there? Well, the answer is “plenty.” Let’s Have a Look at 6 Benefits of Central Air Conditioning: Better than room air conditioners.  Room or portable air conditioners can keep you cool, as well.  But they don’t circulate the air throughout your home via your air ducts.  Central air conditioning alone can help prevent respiratory ailments, improve your sleep quality, and enhance your ability to fight off symptoms of allergies and asthma. To maintain those advantages, your AC filter needs to be cleaned or replaced, on [...]

Why Late-Season AC Replacement is a Smart Move

The dog days of summer are here. The fortunate among us have a well-functioning air conditioning system that were built and maintained to take summer’s best on the chin, and yet keep churning out nice cool air. Then there’s another group of home owners. Those whose AC systems were barely up to the cooling demands of early-to-late spring, and are now totally miserable in their surroundings because their system just can’t deliver like it once did. So, that then begs the question: are you better off replacing your system now or riding it out until next spring?  We’d like to [...]

Improved Air Circulation Can Help Reduce Your AC Costs

The older your AC system, the more likely you are to look for ways to reduce your monthly utility bills. That’s because older systems just can’t match their original out-of-the-box energy efficiency. So, unless you make some adjustments around your house, you’re simply going to pay more to cool your home. And while there are lots of good ways to bring down your costs, here’s one thing that won’t help: closing interior doors to rooms that don’t have an AC return or register. Contrary to popular belief, that’s going to have the exact opposite effect of what you intend. What’s [...]

Why Spring is the Best Time for an AC Tune-up

Once presented with the facts, nobody seriously questions the wisdom of annual AC preventative maintenance.  And because of that, we’re not going to argue the point yet again. Instead, we want to address why spring is absolutely the best time to have professional maintenance performed.  Not that summer’s a bad time for AC maintenance, mind you, but spring is still better: HVAC companies are typically at their slowest during a change of seasons, and winter giving way to spring is no exception. Less busy means more time to tend to system maintenance. For the most part, you don’t need your [...]

How to Cut Your Energy Costs with a Variable Speed AC System

Buying a new AC system is a rather unique process.  First of all, most people will buy only two or three in their lifetime.  That’s actually a good thing.  Here’s what’s not so good:  So much time typically lapses between two such purchases that you probably remember very little about the previous experience.  And even if you did, today’s systems or so different and superior to those from 15 – 20 years ago, it’s like starting from a scratch. Nevertheless, here you are, ready to saddle up and ride this pony to the finish line.  The problem is, where do [...]

“When is the Right Time to Replace My Central AC System?”

This is one of those questions for which there are multiple right answers.  As in, the time to replace your AC system has both subjective and objective considerations. So the best we can do right now is give you a pretty good when you should at least start THINKING about replacing it, especially if you’re not a fan of complete system shut-downs.  You know, that thing that happens when you wait a little too long upgrade to a new and more robust central AC system. Key Factors to Consider When Deciding to Repair or Replace Your AC System Nose-bleed electricity [...]

How to Choose a Home Air Conditioning Company.

Even if you’re conscious of it, there’s a distinct process you go through in purchasing a new air conditioning system for your home. While it’s not the same process for everyone, some of the steps always are. Sooner or later, for example, you’re going to need to choose someone to install the system for you. In fact, there’s a very good chance you’ll purchase your system from the same people who install it, thus making the decision on “who” doubly important. Should you choose an AC system installer primarily based on other peoples’ recommendations? Internet reviews? Number of years in [...]

Why You Should Get a Second Opinion on Plumbing, Heating, and Air Conditioning

  Have you ever been faced with a significant home repair and thought… “I wonder if I should look around more or get another opinion before I commit to this.” Of course you have. It’s a common human reaction. When something vital to our safety and comfort (like plumbing, heating, or air) stops working properly, most of us have only one thing on our minds: “Fix it. Fix it fast!” So most of us don’t bother to get a second opinion - which can lead to stress, worry, and additional (unnecessary) expense. How to Know When It’s Time For a [...]

Should You Repair or Replace Your AC System in Omaha and Elkhorn?

That’s not exactly an age-old question, but in 2015, it’s extremely common. In fact, it’s one we’re asked all the time from home owners intent on making the right decision for their family’s added comfort and energy savings. As for the correct answer, well, there’s really no way to give you that without first examining your current system. But, in general, here are several situations where it probably makes more sense to replace than repair: - Age of system – If your AC system is at least 15 years old, then it’s already reached the low end of its average [...]

AC Preventative Maintenance in Omaha and La Vista

Let’s say we just finished installing a new air conditioning system in your home, just for the sake of argument. One of the things we would recommend – and of paramount importance to protecting your investment – would be annual system maintenance. To underscore the point, we would show you the same recommendation in the manufacturer’s paperwork. And you, of course, would heartily agree with the need for annual system maintenance while applauding the expected benefits from that service, such as: Fewer repairs, if any Longer lifespan for your AC system Lower energy costs Even levels of comfort throughout your [...]

Noisy AC System Causes in Omaha & Blair

With the air conditioning season winding down, is your system behaving in such a way that professional repair assistance might be in order? If so, we urge you to take care of the problem now instead of waiting until next spring, especially if you’re hoping it will just “go away.” Because there’s a huge likelihood it won’t. That’s especially true of loud and “in your face” AC system noises, such as clanking, banging, and the like. Here’s what’s likely causing them: Clutter Around Your Outside Condensing Unit – Any obstructions at all, including shrubbery that’s grown to close, can interfere [...]

Consider a Replacement Air Conditioning System for Your Omaha Home

If you think Omaha air conditioning systems are nothing more than mechanical beings that provide a useful service, and nothing more, you might want to think again. For some people – even though they may not realize it – air conditioning systems, over time, take on pet-like status.  Consider the following exchange (admittedly made up for the sake of illustration) that takes place daily in homes throughout the land: “Honey, it might be time to replace our air conditioning system?” “Are you kidding me, it works like a charm!  That thing has been super faithful to us and now you [...]

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